• Post published:December 3, 2020
  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:In Ottawa
Madam Speaker, in thinking about vaccines, I looked at Canada’s history. I think about what happened in our experience with polio, in particular. With the first child passing away in 1910, we had a vaccine from Salk in 1955 and again from Sabin in 1962. It resulted in continuous waves, until eventually it was brought under control in the 1970s.
There are three things we can learn from this experience. Number one is how incredible it is to have domestic production of vaccines in Canada. Number two is that the adoption of the vaccine was slow and uneven, so we do in fact need a plan and we need to combat misinformation. Number three is that the idea that we can call a vaccine a silver bullet needs to be combatted because, long after even the initial vaccine is given to our most vulnerable, there will still be the need for increased health protection measures for some time to come.

I would like to know what the member would say to these three points.